Friday, April 24, 2009

Wonder Woman

Yarding sheep ready for shearing

We have a busy couple of days coming up with happenings on the farm. We are shearing at the moment and on Monday will be pregnancy scanning 2500 ewes as well- a lot of sheep coming in and out of the yards over only a few hours. So I thought I had better get organised today so at least we would have good food to keep us going.

This is what a good morning in the kitchen produced
  • bread
  • chocolate cake- big one, hald will go in freezer
  • pumpkin, zucchini and bacon soup- some in little containers in freezer for small children
  • impossible quiche- will write out recipe when I have a little more time as it is really versatile and simple
  • batch of spag bog sauce for the kids- little containers in the freezer as well
  • lamb and pumpkin curry for tomorrow night

The stove at 11.00am

Still have to make an apple and rhubarb crumble and custard to take out tonight and ice the cake. Had better go and get organised as we need to be out of the house and ready by 4.45pm!!

Fresh bread and a jar of tomatoes ready for the spag bog for the kids. Are just about out of fresh tomatoes so have just started to use the bottled tomatoes, definately pleased with my first effort at bottling my own tomatoes

1 comment:

granny said...

You have been busy !Whats the weather been like there?has it started to cool down yet?Our temps started to cool,26 - 27 during the day,however this weekend we were back to 31 !I really want the Autumn weather back!They are predicting night temps to be dropping to 9 mid week.Not that they get it right very often.Good luck with the shearing,I hope the wool prices are in your favour this year. :0)