It has certainly been quite a while since I have managed to blog! Thought it was about time to get back into it. There has been quite a bit happening here with taking on a new farm and just the children in general, it has been hard to find 5 minutes to sit, write and reflect. I will try to make time more regularly. I will hopefully start to feel a bit more motivated too as the seasons are changing in the garden and there is once again a lot happening.
I finally used a new Bundt pan I bought a while ago on special. I think Bundt pans could become an obsession, I have three now and I can see room for many more in my house. There is certainly one for every occasion. It was really easy to prepare and cooked a simple apple cake perfectly. I used the Quick Apple Cake recipe from Stephanie Alexander's Cooks Companion. It makes a nice pudding cake with a hint of brandy or rum, might be nice with a bit of spice next time.
Oatmeal Crackers
3 weeks ago
Hi Jane... I found your blog through your sister's blog!
I also LOVE bundt tins... did you know they are selling them at Aldi supermarkets this week for $10 each? BARGAIN! There are 5 different designs! I, of course, had to buy every different design! LOVE them :D
My experiences with those tins was that I couldn't get the cake out... so disappointing after all the expectation. Your cake looks so good.
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