Monday, October 13, 2008

Local Show

On Saturday it was our local agricultural show. It is by no means a 'big' show, but it is quite a local event. For the first time I managed to get organised and enter some things I have grown and made. I was pretty pleased with how I went, but I must admit that in a couple of sections I was the only entrant!

Here is how I went
Plum Jam- first (out of two)
Pickles (I put in a jar of beetroot relish)- first (out of one)
Loaf, unsliced suitable the butter (I made a banana and date loaf)- first (out of two)
Bearded iris- first (out of about 8)
3 pansies distinct- didn't get a place, I thought they wanted three the same, but it was actually 3 different, something I have learnt for next year
Pumpkin- first (out of two)
Bunch of spring onions- second (out of two)
Bunch of silverbeet- first (out of four)
Basket of herbs- second (out of two and the first place was really quite good)
Basket of vegetables- first (out of one) this did manage to win best exhibit in the home industries section so I was quite happy with that

Silverbeet relaxing in the bath before their big day on show

Best exhibit in Home Industries- included silverbeet, kale, beetroot, asparagus, snow peas, crimson broad beans and artichoke


Anne said...

Hey Jane, that is great. Good on you. I'm stoked for you. Love Sue

Anonymous said...

I've just read the post and I'm absolutely disgusted with the scurrilous manner you have treated the know your post could qualify as "food pawn" don't you? (and yes I know I've spelt it incorrectly)?
Seriously - nice work Jane. Next year - the Perth Royal Show! Pity the fool that enters against you (said in a "Mr T" voice)!